AU401 Certificate Course
Wide Body / Multiple Crew Onboard
This program is perfect for students who wish to work for a large international airline or charter operator. The program features one of the worlds most popular multi aisle aircraft manufactured by Airbus – the A330.
You will learn how to operate in a large multiple crew environments with up to 18 crew members onboard. Upon completion of this program you will receive a certificate of completion (via email) from the Inflight Institute, which you can print out, or email to airlines. Or you can purchase a printed certificate.
This course applies to airlines such as...
- Aer Lingus
- Aeroflot
- Air Berlin
- Air China
- Air France
- Air Canada
- Alitalia
- Delta Airlines
- Emirates Airlines
- Etihad Airways
- Qantas (Australia)
- TAP (Portugal)
- Turkish Airlines
- US Airways
- Virgin Australia
- …and more!

Course Outline
History of Flight
- What is a Cabin Crew Member
- History of Cabin Crew
- Theory of Flight
- Staying in the Air
- How Far We Can Fly
- ATC Their Role
- Global Geography (Continents)
- Time Zones
- 24 Hour Clock
Aviation Terminology
- Designator Codes (Airline & City)
- Phonetic Alphabet
- Acronyms
- Around the World
- Regulations at Work
- Cabin Crew Manuals
- Amendments and Revisions
- Inspectors
A Day in the Life...
- Preparing for Duty
- Drug and Alcohol Policy
- Personal Image
- Personal Grooming Standards
Uniform Policy
- Looking Professional
- Requirements for Duty
At the Airport
- Check-In
- Check-In Duties
- Minimum Crew
- Chain of Command
One Crew Concept
- Crew Resource Management
- Importance of Effective Communication
- Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
- Briefings
- Crew Briefings
Going to the Aircraft/Aircraft Type
- Categories of Aircraft
- Aircraft Type
- Crew Baggage
- Pre-flight Check
- Purpose of Equipment
- List of Equipment
- Minimum Equipment List
Standard Safety Procedures
- Screening of Passengers and Crew
- General Security Principles
- Dangerous Goods
- Pre-Boarding
- List of Special Needs
- Deportees
- Prisoners and Escorts
- Special Needs Passenger Briefing
General Boarding
- Apron Safety
- Passenger Seating
Passenger Handling
- Customer Service
- Types of Complaints
- Abusive/Disruptive Passengers
- Failure to Comply
- Denied Boarding
- Captain's Authority
Freight and Baggage
- Carry-on Baggage
- Animals in the Cabin
- Baggage Stowage
Passenger Briefings
- Announcements and Techniques
- Electronic Devices
- Types of Devices
- Why Are There Restrictions?
- Reporting Device Interference
- Window Exit Briefings
- Demonstration
- Visual Checks
- Flight Deck Communication
- Crew Seating
- Cabin Crew Stations
- Signals
- Silent Review
- Critical Phases of Flight
- Statistics
- Sterile Flight Deck
- Take-Off
- Ordinance Signs
Inflight Service
- First Class Service
- Business Class Service
- Economy Class Service
- Flight Deck Service and Protocol
- The Glass Cockpit
- Jumpseat Authorization
- Service on the Ground
- Liquor Service
- Intoxicated Passengers
- World Standards on Disruptions
- Admittance – Locking of Flight Deck Door
- Safe Work Habits
Being Prepared
- Inflight Turbulence
- Pressurization Problems
- Pressurization System
- How It's Maintained
- Oxygen and the Body
- Rapid Decompression
- Engine Problems
- Propeller Abnormalities
- Time of Useful Consciousness
- Medical Issues
- Oxygen Administration
- Crew Incapacitation
- Pilot Jumpseats
Emergency Situations
- Inflight Fires
- How Fires Work
- Types of Fires-Classes
- Smoke and or Fumes
- Fire Detection
- Where Fires Can Happen
- Firefighting
- Cargo Firefighting
Other Types of Inflight Emergency
- Bomb Threats
- Hijacking
Preparing for an Emergency
- Emergency Briefings
- Emergency Landing Checklist
- Crew Coordination
- Briefing of Passengers
- Brace Positions
- Commands
- Purpose
- Techniques
- The Words
Categories of Landings
- When to Evacuate
- How to Evacuate
Post Evacuation
- Post Evacuation Procedures
- Duties
- Help on the Scene
Post Crash Survival
- Wilderness Survival
- Sea Survival
- Tropical/Jungle Survival
- Desert Survival
- Arctic Survival
Back in the Air
- Descent
- Duties upon Descent
- Post Landing Duties
- Customs and Immigration
- Fueling With Passengers Onboard
- Gate and Apron Emergencies
- Aircraft Surface Contamination
Flight Termination
- Overnights
- Logistics
- Conduct
- Personal Security
Flight Safety
- What is Flight Safety?
- Crew Responsibilities
- Some Examples
- Health and Wellness
- Eating Right
- Eating on the Run
- Exercise
- Jet Lag
- Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Medical Issues
Getting a Job
- Who Are My Potential Employers?
- Resume Preparation
- Interview Techniques
- Job Bank